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What Is A Telecom Engineer?

This resume is a sample for the post of Telecom Engineer. A Telecommunication or Telecom Engineer is a discipline that combines Electric Engineering with telecommunication to bring about progress and development in telecommunication. Today’s world is a tech world. Everything is related to technology in one way or the other. A Telecom Engineer is an example of this.

How To Write And Download Free Telecom Engineer Resume?

A resume is the most important thing for you before coming face to face to an employer. It must be built in a very careful and precise manner. Below is given an example of such a resume to help you create an impressive and convincing resume. Finally adding verified references and images(if any) of your previous experiences is definitely going to increase the worth of your resume.

Tips For Editing Telecom Engineer Resume Sample:

  1. Add in your personal information as per our guidelines just like fill-in-blanks.
  2. Adhere to the most recent, fresh picture of yours.
  3. Enlist your address and available contact information.
  4. Enlist your references and their contact numbers.
  5. Make sure to have the printout on the best-quality of paper.

Telecom Engineer Resume Sample

Name: XYZ

Post Box:

Abu Dhabi-UAE

Contact No:000

Email ID :0000

Career Objectives

  1. To succeed in an environment of growth and excellence and earn a job which provides me job Satisfaction and self development and help me achieve personal as well as organization goals.
  2. To seek challenging assignment and responsibility, with an opportunity for growth and career advancement as successful achievements.
  3. To be involved in work where I can utilize skill and creatively involved with system that effectively contributes to the growth of organization.
  4. To make a sound position in corporate world and work enthusiastically in team to achieve goal of the   organization/MNC with devotion and hard work.

Educational Qualifications

Bachelor Degree – B. E (Electrical and Electronics Engineering) from 2007-2011

Diploma Degree –Diploma in Computer Application (DCA) from 2004-2005

Diploma Degree –Desk Top Publishing (DTP) from 2006-2007

Electrical Maintenance Management from 2008-2009


  1. Saudi Telecom Communication(STC)

Year           : 2012 to 2014.

Position      : Electrical/Telecom Engineer

 Core Experience of Electrical DC/AC and HVAC  Maintenance:

  • Managing Electrical supply and maintenance operations in GSM field and Telecom Exchange field.
  • Rectify the problem of Electrical panel and preventive maintenance routine (Ex. Phase sequence changing, Over voltage production burn, High voltage problem, Main contactor fault, etc..,).
  • Ensuring the surveillance monitors are observed at all times.
  • Monitoring and controlling all sally port doors that enters into the secured area of the facility. Also, monitoring and controlling all of the sally port doors in the housing units.

Core experience of Telecom Engineer:

  • May have to visit sites when needed to solve problems regarding communicating devices on power issues.
  • Will have to inspect and service telecommunication devices in frequent interval of time.
  • Engineers will also have to design and create devices for telecommunication systems and cooperate with the team members.
  • Develop and write procedures for installation, use, and troubleshooting of communications hardware and software.
  1. CONSIM Info Pvt. Ltd-Property Consultant Management

Year         : 2011 April to 2012 March,

Position    : Executive Customer Service.

Core experience of Executive Customer Service:

  • Represents the president by welcoming visitors, reviewing correspondence; arranging company dinners and other corporate functions.
  • Publishes the corporate newsletter by gathering information; preparing and editing articles.
  • Make consistent decisions by advising them of historical precedents; serving as liaison between them and the president.
  • Completes projects and special assignments by establishing objectives; determining priorities; managing time.
  • Updates job knowledge by participating in educational opportunities; reading professional publications; maintaining personal networks; participating in professional organizations.

Area of Interest

  • Specialization in managing Stock and Adjustment Operations.
  • System Operations at senior level contribution
  • Document control and Server Management.

Computer Skills

  • Key Skills :   MS-office, DOS,Unix,Linux,C,C++,JAVA,Windows 7,Windows 8, Windows OS
  • Typing Speed  :   46(WPM)
  • Advance Kills :  Server maintenance  for large number of computers


  • Leadership Quality with planning in professional manner
  • Good listener
  • Honesty and Sincerity
  • Punctuality with well designed planning manner

Personal Information

Date of birth                       :   23 Jan. 1988.

Gender                                  :   Male.

Marital Status                       :   Single.

Nationality                            :   Indian.

Passport No                          :   00000

Address                                :    Post Box: 5820,

Abu Dhabi, UAE

Language known                : Arabic, English, Hindi, Urdu and Tamil


I hereby declare that the above furnished details are true to the best of my knowledge.                                                                                                                                                                         Sincerely,                                                                       Reference:

  1. Mohammed Riyaz                       2.Mohammed Faizel

Senior Power Engineer                          IT Support Engineer

ETA power Project                                 Bin Hamoodah Group of companies

Telecom Engineer Resume Sample